
General rules - Place all cards in a circle around the drink. After doing the action on your card you must place the card in the drink tab securely. If the cards fly out you must finish the drink and start a new round! If you crack the drink then you must finish the drink and start a new round. 

Ace - Whoever draws this card must drink as much as they would like, and players can’t stop until they do. Once the first player puts down their drink, it is up to the following player to put down their drink and allow the next player to put down theirs. If the first player drinks an entire drink, everyone must finish theirs! Note: you must follow the same order that you have been playing for the game. 

King - You can make up any rule for the game, and those who don’t adhere to your rule must drink your prescribed amount or do an action of your choice! Note: the other participants must agree to this rule. Also, the rule card can be used to void previous rules that kings have made or can be used to add to rules that other participants have created. 

Examples: The Green Little Bug. Each time you take a drink from your cup, you must remove the imaginary bug from it and place it on your shoulder. After drinking, you must place it back on your drink. If you fail and another participant sees this, you must repeat the process! 

Queen - If you have this card, you must announce it and tell everyone you are now the question master! Now, if anyone answers your question, then they must drink. This question can be as simple as are you the question master? Note: there can only be one question master at a time, and when someone else draws the card they now have the ability! 

Jack - The participant who draws this card must make up a situation that they haven’t done, and if any of the other participants have done it, they must drink. The goal of this card is to get to know who you are playing with! 

2 - If you draw this card, you must pick one player to drink twice. 

3 - If you draw this card, then you must drink twice. 

4 - All girls participating must take a drink!

5 - If you draw this card, you must dance to the song playing, and if you don’t, then you must drink. 

6 - All guys participating must take a drink! 

7 - If you have this card, you can now reach your hands in the air at any time, and whoever is the last to follow suit must take a drink! Note: you can only do this once per card or turn! 

8 - You must pick a player to drink whenever you drink. This means that if you get called on to drink, they must drink as well! If the player you chose has to drink, this doesn’t mean you now have to drink. If you get this card again, you can add more people to your group!  

9 - You must say a word, and players must rhyme with that word. Whoever can’t rhyme with the chosen word quickly must drink. 

10 - You must pick a category. If someone can’t find a word that fits that category quickly, they must drink. Play in the same direction you have been playing with.

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